Very often people just need a website as a legitimate representation of their business, and once it's built everyone can relax, but if you want to use your site to bring in new business, it is essential that the site be active.  That means adding new content, and promoting it with social media.

When we create your website, we optimize the site structure right from the beginning, taking into consideration, menus, keywords in URL's, length of Title tag, snippet description, subheadings, labelled images, readability, and much, much more, so your website is optimized for the search engines.

When your website is ready, we submit a sitemap to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and Ask (Search Engines).  These are the big ones, and the little search engines feed off of them, but if you wish, you can always add your site to the smaller ones too.  

We then promote your website with Active Search Results Search Engine and we submit your site monthly to Attracta SEO Company

Now it's time for you to get involved.  

To Help Promote Your Website/Business 

1.  Ask every customer, in person with reminder cards, or by email with links, to give you a Review.

2.  "Claim Your Business".  Read about Citations and use the list to register your business with as many directories as possible.

3.  If you are a local business, try to get other businesses to link to you.  These are called "external links" and they will help your rank if Google thinks others are linking to your website.  Do a search for "Local Directories".   They are easy places to get external links.

4.  Do a search for "Submit My Website" and list your site on as many FREE search engines and directories as possible.  I personally don't think it's worth it to pay for this service when it's something that anyone can do.  It's just time-consuming.

5.  Ask friends, relatives and co-workers to do a search for your main keyword or keyword phrase, and then click on the link to your website.  Let them know that your site may not be on the first page.  It may not be on the fifth page.  They will just have to keep looking until they find your site, but don't let them click on a link other than yours.  Google wants to know what sites are being clicked for what keywords, so if they click on another site, they are actually promoting others instead of you.

Then ask them again in a few days, and again in a few more days until you lose all your friends.  LOL

6.  Try to exchange links with other sites. Links to other websites, and links from other websites to yours, are an important ranking factor.

7.  Create a Facebook page and ask people to "Like" and "Follow" you.  You can do the same with other social media like Twitter and Instagram.  LinkedIn and Alignable often get excellent results for business to business clients.

8.  Put a "Subscribe to Newsletter" form on your website, and notify people when you post new content, have a sale, etc.

9.  I will get you listed with Google Business Profile.  This will put your website in the top right corner when someone does a search for your business.  Ask people to post reviews.  

Google Listing of PlantBest Inc website

To Stay Ranking In The Search Engines

To stay ranking in the search engines there is no magic formula.  You MUST show that you are an active website with excellent, current content that is of higher value than your competitor's.

Add new content regularly, and then mention the new content, with the link, on your social media and in your newsletter.

New content should contain a minimum of 300 words, preferably 900 words.  More is better.  Include your keyword phrase several times, and label your images with the keyword phrase. Each page should have its own unique keyword phrase.

The first headline on your home page should include, if possible, a combination of your service or product plus the area you serve, example "Real Estate Northern Ontario".  All headlines should contain quality keywords.

If possible, use real images as opposed to stock images, but only if they are of excellent quality.

Write articles that answer people's questions about your product or service.  If you're a plumber, write an article on how to unclog a toilet.  If you're in the home improvement business, write an article about the latest lighting options.

Add content that will keep your visitors on your website, such as educational videos from YouTube.

Make Your Own YouTube Videos

YouTube  is not just a video platform.  It is also the second biggest search engine on the web...right after Google.

There are many "how to" videos to teach you how to do this.  Here are two to get you started.

How To Make A YouTube Video & Attract Clients To Your Business

How To Look Good on Video Calls for Zoom FaceTime Skype

Once you've created your video, it's important that you optimize it so watch 

How To Upload Videos On YouTube (Step by Step 2021 Beginners Guide)

Interesting Facts

The average click-through rate for an SMS text is around 19.3%

The average click-through rate for an email is 4.2%

The average click-through rate for a Facebook Ad is 0.05%

Conclusion:  Texting customers will get the best results.