One of the first questions I am asked is, "Will my website come to the top in a search?"  The answer is "probably yes", if the person enters the exact name of your company.  If the person enters a generic keyword or string of keywords, the answer is probably "no", but if you want to work on getting to the top, this information here will help you get there.

The first thing you will want to do is find out how much competition you have for your best keywords, so, for example, if you are a contractor in Toronto, a search will tell you that you have over 32 million competitors, but if you are a plumber in Oshawa you will "only" have 766 thousand competitors.

contractor-Toronto    plumber-Oshawa


If I do a search for "emergency plumber Oshawa" I can reduce my competition to 153 thousand.  If I do a search for "A-Pex Plumbing Oshawa", my website is #1 and totally monopolizes the whole first page.

Google Search A-Pex Plumbing Oshawa














2020 Google Ranking Factors